I have seen custom baby name alphabets EVERYWHERE and they are so cute to say the least. They are perfect especially as a baby shower gift so this framed artwork can hang, or be on a shelf in a baby nursery. These first two signs are from Etsy HuntersPlace and are two completely different designs. The first has a white background with rainbow lettering (baby name in the middle) and the last one is more colorful with more of a jumbled alphabet with the baby name on the bottom.

I like this monochromatic alphabet with Leon's name in the spot where the L would go. From: http://www.snedesign.com

These baby name alphabet graphics are from AlleyKids at Etsy. I love the white border around this first graphic and the name right in the middle. There are so many possibilities from placement of letters and name, the colors, font, etc. The second graphic is like what you would see in a school with the upper and lower case letters and is bright and colorful.

These next two graphics are from Etsy DoodleGraphics. I love the colors with this first baby boy's alphabet and look how they cleverly placed Williams name on a angle and at the bottom.

Here is a basic font and alphabet. I like the format though, and the name really stands out at the bottom.

Here is an alphabet in a circle which would be cute to frame or be on a plate to hang up in the baby nursery. From: http://www.myretrobaby.com

A fun, colorful baby name alphabet from: http://www.southernmamas.com.