In the month of December I decided to come up with something where we could think of others and remember our Savior in the Christmas season.
The first part of the month we would write down at least one thing each of what we were grateful for. I loved this because chris and I would remember the Lord and what he had given us.
The last 12 days till Christmas day we did acts of service to remember our Savior. We helped family, friends, neighbors, and strangers as we served in so many ways. I feel that it really made our hearts tender and open as we thought of others.
This season can new so selfish in wanting. Many see it as an opportunity to gain instead of give. I'm so glad that we tried to put others first over ourselves which is always a good attitude to have all year round not just at Christmas.
Above: this is the top of the calendar I made. I won't show the bottom, but its just a calendar of the month with writing on it every day for the things we are grateful for or how we served.