Check out these cute pictures for Gender Reveals. The last few years (and maybe thanks to Pinterest) gender reveals are getting more and more popular. There are so many cute ideas for parties, favors, and announcements. Here are some fun ideas:
Here are some more party ideas, I love the food ideas (like the pink and blue cake or cookie middles) and the ideas incorporating mustaches.
I think this announcement for a boy reveal is so cute!
I've seen balloon pictures like this all over Pinterest for revealling a baby's gender. There are cute chalkboard decals you can always place on your box to make it all cute.
I love this baby gender reveal party with lighter colors, cute signs, and blue cake in the middle for a baby boy! From:
I love this idea, making a pinata and filling it with pink or blue candies or paper.
Or, surprise everyone by bringing in a cute pink/blue diaper cake like ones from
I love this cute idea, tying a scarf into a bow around your belly as a gender reveal.
You can even do a basic idea like this couple. Show something pink and blue and then leave the right color. From:
This idea for opening a suitcase wih a gender reveal sign is another cute ide! Such a beautiful backdrop. From:
Etsy and other sites have so many cute ideas for you to buy. This sign is from scrabble tiles. From:
Wow, I really want to do this. Scratch to find out if it is a boy or girl! Such a great idea.
This is another gender reveal idea you can buy from Etsy. It's an egg (comes in several colors with different designs on the front), you crack it open where there is a paper to say if you are expecting a boy or girl!

Maternity sashes are a way cute idea to show if you are expecting a baby boy or girl. Here is one for a girl. From:
Lastly, here is a block idea where you can put "it's a girl" or the name of the baby.
Lastly, I love this picture with a large balloon with the baby's name on it from
I love all of these so cute but I have to say I am so over the mustache thing it is just over done (sorry). My daughter had it at her shower and she wasn't into it at all so it now is this funny joke with us because it is every where but mustaches aside I love all the ideas, i can't wait for the next grandbaby to try some of these ideas with THANKS for posting :))
ReplyDeleteI TOTALLY AGREE! The mustaches gotta go!
DeleteI agree... I think Ties would be much much cuter and not as overdone.
Deleteties is a really cute idea!
Deleteties over mustaches any day!
Deleteshut up you dip shits they can do what they want and you don't have a effing say about mustaches or stupid effing ties
DeleteTotally agree. I'm so over the mustache trend!
DeleteI think the mustache is done a lot, but if you're doing a gender reveil then it could be a little confusing if you have a bow tie and regular bows. Or even the lips with them.. people may not associate the bow tie to be boy they could see it as a hair bow. Either way, I think all the ideas are wonderful.. if its what you like then do it! No matter wether everyone else is doing it.
DeleteI think if you did an actual tie, there would be no confusion between what is for a girl and what is for a boy....?
DeleteI think a tie is adorable, and bow ties are really in right now especially among whovians. I'm also inclined to agree that the mustache craze is a little annoying, but when we did our gender reveal party almost two months ago now, we decided to use mustaches anyway because we went with a super Mario/princess Peach gender reveal party with plenty of yellow question blocks, and of course mustaches are very Mario, so mustaches and tiaras ruled the evening.
DeleteI happen to love the mustaches
DeleteYou could still do bow ties for boys and bows for girls! Just print the same bows in a girl color and in a boy color. Then, you grab the color bow you think the baby's gender will be and there you have it! Super simple!
DeleteThese are some really beautiful ways to announce a baby's gender. If I'm blessed to have children one day, I'll have to remember some of these. For now, I'll spread the word to others who might like these ideas. :-)
ReplyDeleteI love these ideas!!! The food ones are always great. One I've seen done for announcements is having the girl hide a lollipop in her mouth in one picture and then pulling it out to reveal the color in the next picture. Super cute.
I love that idea! So cute
Deletegreat ideas! we had a baby gender reveal last summer for was so much fun!
ReplyDeleteThese are so fun! I didn't do any sort of gender reveal for my first one, but I want to do something creative for the next.
ReplyDeleteJust found your blog and love it! We are waiting to find out the gender so I've been living through others that get to have the fun gender reveal parties. These are all really cute ideas!
ReplyDeleteHope you stop by my blog sometime :)
Oh... I JUST LOVE THESE!!!! SOooo Fun!!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer... From Dream to Reality!
When we found out we were having our 3rd girl I had a cake decorated to say "Boy oh boy.... it's another girl!" It was decorated in purples/blues so everyone saw the Boy first and got excited till they read the rest of the cake and then saw it's was a girl. It was even funnier once we cut into the cake and we all ate the "it's another girl" part first :)
ReplyDeleteI love this idea. I'm pregnant with #4 and have 3 girls. I find out next week and was trying to figure out a cute way to tell everyone at Christmas. I might steal this if I need to :)
DeleteI am doing a christmas reveal also, I am wrapping socks up for everyone except one person. That person gets a tube with a poster in it with some sort of its a boy sign. I am telling them that all the gifts go together so they have to open them up at the same time. We'll see how it goes.
DeleteCute ideas. Have one more idea for you...
Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I'm really not into these "gender reveal" parties... just another excuse for a party and more attention, I guess. What's wrong with a good old birth announcement when the kid gets here?
ReplyDeleteI am pretty sure these aren't for more attention since they are usually the baby shower. I certainly don't think baby showers are for attention, do you?
DeleteWhile I think that these ideas (other than the mustaches)are kinda cute, especially the scratch cards. I wouldn't do any of them because I feel that it takes away the surprise already know you're having a (human) baby leave some of the mystery in!
DeleteFor attention? Ouch, heaven forbid people celebrate their joy in bringing a new life into the world. I think it is a great reason to gather with the people they love.
DeleteI think it is interesting that people think that waiting until the birth to find out the gender makes it a surprise. Does that mean finding out before the birth isn't a surprise? Do they think that somehow if you find out at 20 weeks vs. birth that one is more of a surprise??
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteP.S. we had a gender reveal photo shoot and we were able to share that with the Grandparents and Aunt, Uncle, and cousins that are out of state, it was extremely special. Probably more special then just telling them boy or girl at the birth, they are already going to be excited about the new baby at that time. If you are interested in another reveal picture I am happy to share since I loved them so much!
DeleteI agree! They are attention-seeking. An announcement is one thing! That can be fun and special...but simple. Cards or a picture or something. But an entire party all for the gender reveal is a bit much. Women are starting to plan these for themselves, and then have a separate baby shower (later in the pregnancy) All the reactions I have experienced when people I have known have thrown these gender reveal parties have been ones of confusion as to why such a big is a beautiful time, but a line has to be drawn... Have your family over for a reveal possibly, but a not PARTY party...geesh...
DeleteAttention seeking?!?!????? Really???? It's basically a baby shower with a reveal!!!!! They just changed the name!!! People these days are so difficult to please. I swear, some people are probably just jealous they didn't get to have one!! This upsets me to the extreme. Let the people have fun.
DeleteOh, who cares?? Just don't go if it bothers you, and let the people who want to have fun and enjoy one another do so. I would never invite everyone I knew to something like this. Only immediate family and really close friends. But, then again, so far we haven't opted to do one of these. I love getting to enjoy this sweet moment with my close friends sometimes, though. What a sweet, sweet time in life to be together and support one another.
DeleteWe will be having a gender reveal party. One reason-it's our 2nd so we don't need a baby shower. Second reason- lots of family got upset with our order in telling last time so if everyone finds out at the same time we don't have to deal with it. We aren't seeking attention. If you don't like it then if you get invited to one be the party pooper and don't go. It's that simple :)
DeleteAs far as waiting to find out after the baby's born... Personal choice on our part, imho, I wanted to be surprised after all that labor. I love these ideas though, I'm sure my dd will do one.
DeleteI agree- if you don't like it don't go. I for one think my friends/family having a baby is such an awesome thing, if they wanted to throw a party of each and every cute onsie they bought them, I would go and be so happy! There is nothing wrong with sharing in people's joy. I have NEVER been invited to one where you are expected to do anything but show up and be happy. If that is too difficult for you, then for heaven's sake, I am glad you are not my friend.
DeleteI love a good excuse for a party! Food, friends, family, fun...uh, who wouldn't want an excuse for that? Heaven forbid that a couple wants to draw attention to themselves ;) by planning a good time to celebrate a joy of life with others. These negative responses crack me up.
DeleteI think it's a great alternative to a traditional shower. We are pregnant with our 4th so we don't exactly need to be showered with presents, but every baby deserves to be celebrated with a party. So we are considering doing this.
DeleteIt's so funny for me to see all these things - bridal showers, baby showers and now gender reveal parties... It's such an American tradition, very few people in Europe have those - we get together with our friends and/or families, of course, send out cards sometimes, but it seems to me like in the US there's so much more -publicity- and (almost) pretentiousness related to all these things. As if the only point was to make all your friends and neighbors envious. I find these ideas super cute, don't get me wrong, and I don't mean to be hateful, but I am having a hard time understanding the concept of such lavish affairs with decorations and party favors and all - it all sounds to me as if impressing people was more important than getting together and being with the people you love. I sort of agree with the attention-seeking comment above.
DeleteAgree with the comment above...
DeleteBaby showers used to be just the way to help.... very simple... now it seems like every next shower you go to is more an more looking like a wedding or something lol and from people who struggle financially ?!?!?!? seriously too much
"Haters gonna hate..." ;)
DeleteI agree... a friend is having a gender reveal bbq this month to celebrate her 3rd pregnancy with family and friends. There'll be food, drink, laughs and good times had by all....sounds terrible. What an attention whore.
Delete^^ I personally wouldn't have one of these parties, BUT man am I glad I'm not your friend!!
Delete^^I think they were being sarcastic. Just sayin'. And the nay-sayers need to chill out. If you aren't into it and you don't like it, then stay home. Your negative vibes probably aren't welcome anyway.
DeleteI'm announcing the gender of my first baby at 40 at my thanksgiving. Dinne
DeleteI was so excited looking at the blog for inspiration for my 2nd babies Gender Reveal Party... Now after reading all these negative comments about being attention-seekers or weather mustaches are overdone I simply feel deflated. If you aren't looking for Gender Reveal ideas why are you on this blog? Just to make others feel bad for wanting to celebrate with whoever they want in whatever way they want? Just for the record, I love hosting parties with people I care about... I plan on having a baby shower... I freaking love mustaches and haven't ever been able to use them in a party thus far... And I'm going to enjoy myself with people I love and who want to be there with me. The rest of you with nothing positive or supportive to say need to find somewhere else to be!
DeleteI think these are such cute ideas!! No one in my family has done a gender reveal, and I absolutely love the scratch off ones!! Could turn those into the actual shower invites!! Definitely saving these ideas; hubby and I would like to do some sort of gender reveal when we have little ones!
ReplyDeleteIt is really easy to make the scratch off stuff your self. Just search Pinterest. I did some for a b-day invite and they had to scratch off to find out the day & time. It was fun!
DeleteI'm on Baby #3 and My Husband and I have always let it be a surprise and just wished for a healthy baby :) all of these Ideas are super cute to each there own and Good Luck in all your pregnancies :)
DeletePeople have good points about 2nd and later babies. You already have a bunch of stuff so all you need to do is replace worn out things and get gender specific stuff if necessary. Also, every new life deserves to be celebrated and if a few people are going to get fussy about that they can just stay home and let everyone else have a happy time. I know some people are very stuck up and selfish about the whole thing but most people are really just super happy and want to celebrate without being criticized.
DeleteI don't understand the gender reveal either. It is not something that I plan to do when I have children. I don't get why people can't just wait, like everyone used to... it is such a miracle to have a child and God gives us this amazing chance for a surprise.... why not enjoy the surprise?!?!? (exceptions include: twins/multiple birth; possibly for an only child; older parents)
ReplyDeleteIsn't it a surprise at birth or before? Not sure why you don't think it is a surprise if you find out before birth. It's wonderful that God has now made it an option for the excited parents to find out a little bit more about their bundle of joy and be able to share this with others in their lives?!?!
DeleteWhy would you not want to use technology and find out earlier so you can get ready for which gender it is?! I wouldn't want to have my baby and he/she doesn't have either girly stuff or boyish stuff. Part of the fun is knowing what you're getting ready for!
DeleteI don't understand why you have to prepare for what gender a child is. If you're gender typing everything you buy for the kid to the extent that you have to prepare months in advance....I think that's going a bit far.
DeleteWe wanted a surprise and didn't fund out what we were having. And with all if the emotions and hormones and excitement it is a bigger surprise after the delivery. Plus if you buy all girl stuff the next one is a boy then you have to rebuy everything. That can be thousands. Gender neutral is just as good :)
Deleteit is everybody's personal decision to find out or not...
Deletejust don't make such a big deal of it for other people... they will be fine with a phone call :)
Because some people don't mind taking advantage of modern technology and using it to our advantage. If you don't want to find out the gender of your baby before he or she is born? Fine. Choosing to keep the gender hush-hush is a personal preference... that's why some people "can't" wait (since you "don't understand").
DeleteGod also gave us highly educated people that came up with an ultra sound machine, why not take advantage of it. It helps prepare for baby so much easier. In a lot of ways I consider my self an old soul but not in this way! I also agree that it is not to draw attention to yourself it is to celebrate this special baby God has entrusted you with! Why not celebrate this baby with family and friends? Ok, I'm done :) wait, LOVE GENDER REVEAL PARTIES!!!!
DeleteI don't think gender reveals are necessary. If someone plans you a baby shower that's great, but I'm sure everyone would understand you not planning a party if you didn't have time or sufficient funds, babies are expensive don't need to spend more before. I get some families get together a lot or are especially close, and I hope to do something unique to reveal the gender when I have children, but I'd rather not have a gender reveal party. Just my opinion, I do like the idea, just not for me!
ReplyDeleteThen why are you at this particular site????
Delete^^ Lol
DeleteHas anyone else noticed that MOST the people that "aren't into it" also don't have children. Wait until you're there to make judgments.
DeleteYikes people are very set in their ways huh?? Who cares what other people do??!! Noones saying you have to! Some people (like myself) are also super impatient or have to make room for baby & its alot easier before baby's here! All the pictures are just adorable! I love the colored scarf pic, so cute & its something you'll always have!!
ReplyDelete^^People will use any excuse to argue about something or to put people down. Some people always have to be right and they don't care about the topic but they know they will get a reaction. You just gotta sift through the bull to get to the good stuff. lol.
DeleteThanks so much for sharing our photo (the jelly beans!) We had a lot of fun coming up with a creative way to share the news with our family and friends. :)
ReplyDeleteTwo things: 1) some of the above are not strictly for the purpose of a party- some are actually for announcements. 2) Not all gender reveal parties are strictly for the purpose of revealing the gender.
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I are doing the gender reveal (balloon idea) at our coed shower party at our house. Since we're not having a "traditional" baby shower, this is the big element that everyone can participate in but still bring gifts if they choose. Hopefully we'll get a good picture that we can then use in the birth announcement.
We were toying with waiting until birth to find out but since we have the option of knowing sooner, we're taking advantage of it. I think it will give us a little more opportunity to bond with the baby before he/she gets here, we can also settle on some gender specific names before the baby arrives. It's stressful enough coming up with one name, let alone 4 or 6! If we can narrow down the sex- that helps reduce the stress of finding other names.
I love this blog post- Great ideas for gender reveals!!
We're planning a gender reveal. We live several hours away from our families and are going home for a visit to announce the gender so we can do it in person. Are we going to get people together to celebrate the announcement? Absolutely! Why not? It's a chance to enjoy time with our families and announce the gender to people in person who wouldn't be able to come visit us at the birth.
ReplyDeleteI'm loving these ideas and don't know why so many people who are obviously against the idea would even bother to read the post, seems like it is just so they can complain and push their views on others.
We had a gender reveal with my family. It was just a small dinner. My family put a pink bow and a blue bow on chairs, when I walked in I was to sit in the chair of the gender I was having..... such fun and a great way of telling my family!
ReplyDeleteCranky people! Why anyone finds something negative in this is beyond me ! I personally think it is fun to go to any sort of party- enjoying the people there, food, everything! I don't think people are throwing these parties and expecting gifts. Anyway- very cute ideas :)
ReplyDeleteIt seems more and more that people have to make a "big deal" out of everything. If every moment is made into a huge celebration then eventually nothing is special. Certainly people want to know but, we have become so focused on instant gratification that no one wants to wait for anything any more. For time eternal babies have been arriving without knowing the gender. Have to prepare? Boy or girl they NEED the same things, the rest is what WE want them to have, not what they need because they are a girl or a boy. It's cute and it's fun for us but, it's not about US, it's about the baby...whether he's Taylor or she's Taylor. So celebrate the joy, you don't have to make it into an 'event", there will be enough events in your childs' life to celebrate. Take time to be patient and wait, they will be no less loved will they?
ReplyDeleteIt seems like a lot of the people against the gender reveal party are against knowing the sex of the baby before the birth. Fine, then when YOU have a baby, YOU can wait until the birth. We're struggling with infertility and the only way we can concieve is with medical science (hopefully soon), so I'll be damned if anyone would rob us of celebrating however we wish to. I can assure you to us and the people who loves us, it IS a big deal. I would rather find out when I'm not in the worst pain of my life with legs in stirrups surrounded by medical staff. I never could understand why people have such strong opinions about things that have absolutely no effect on their lives.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to you! And I hope you get to celebrate every moment with your family! Infertility sucks, and sometimes people who don't have to go through it just don't understand what a huge deal it is to celebrate every single piece of the pregnancy.
DeleteI love an opportunity to be creative and share things with my family and friends, so will be doing a photo shoot at home with my 3 year old to announce the gender and using inspiration from things above!
ReplyDeleteI might even get inspired enough to do the coloured cupcake reveals at our weekly mum's group meet up - they'd all love the novelty of it, and everyone loves cake :)
I don't understand why there is so much negativity about using this opportunity to have a bit of fun and spread a little joy. I'll admit that some of the above photos seem a little over the top, but unless you know the context then you certainly cannot justify judging them...even if you did know the context it really isn't your place to decide what other people choose to celebrate in their life.
I really like the scratch offs. My only issue would be that people would find out at different speeds. I lOve the balloons. I want to do a mini version of that at our Sunday family dinner. I also like the egg one
ReplyDeleteIt seems as if everything is becoming a celebration now... Extravagance is the way of the world it seems.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't have to be any huge production. Really? Baking cupcakes is a huge deal? Yes, having a baby and every moment of a pregnancy is a celebration.
DeleteI'm going to assume that you don't have kids monkeyshine... that would be the only excuse for such a... dense comment. Pregnancy has always been a reason to celebrate and every day that a woman is pregnant is a celebration. Hell, if someone threw a party simply for carrying a baby full-term, I wouldn't blame them!
DeleteThough, please, explain to me how baking some cupcakes and setting up a party with a bunch of (fairly simply) DIY projects is "extravagant?" Especially when the guests attending are normally close family and close friends...
Cute ideas, interesting comments. I am an older mom, preferred to wait until each of my girls were born to be surprised. Still remain fairly unimpressed with instant gratification of any kind. I do feel sometimes things are "pushed" on you, when you receive an invitation etc. For example, I do not attend "second weddings", I don't attend showers for children born out of wedlock. Old fashioned....probably.
ReplyDeleteWow, you wont go to a shower for a baby being born out of wedlock?..
DeleteNewsflash: Its 2012. Women dont NEED a man to raise a baby. ALL babies brought into this world deserve to be loved. If you cant accept that, I wouldnt want you to join in on my joyous moments anyway!
Well it's a good thing there is at least 1 perfect person in this world. WHEW.
DeleteI am literally in shock with your closed mind and it makes me sad for you.
DeleteWow!! I'm very conservative, but would never ever consider ostracizing people for out of wedlock and second marriages. My first marriage was to a violently abusive man who didn't become that way til after we were married. You'd bet your ass I got out of there!My second marriage is to a man of strong faith and is way more of a man than my ex husband will ever be!
DeleteJudge not, lest ye be judged.
It's not the child's fault. I would be sure to attend so that child would know they are loved no matter what choices their parents made.
DeleteIf you are trying to convert someone to the way you believe, you should be nice about it instead of being a jerk. you win more flies with honey than with vinegar.why would I want to convert the belief system of someone who's being rude and judgmental? There is a difference between endorsing someone's actions and being their friend. If you want people to trust you and agree with you, they need to know you value them as a person. If you bail on them just because they do something you disagree with, they are going through a hard time, or do not understand and appreciate why you believe a certain choice is right, you are a bad friend and bad example. You are doing it wrong.
DeleteWow I think the wedlock comment went a bit far. If the child wasn't meant to be god wouldnt have created the miracle. How does that associate with this post? I love the idea of a gender party! IMO I think some people forget that joining in a celebration with more than one person is a party. Just family being there is a party. I can't wait to do one with my second!
ReplyDeleteI think parties for life's small, but important, events are great. In a world where we find out so much about our friends and families through Facebook, and we're all too busy or too far away to pick up the phone or get together for coffee, it's great to take something small and plan a big event out of it – to make the time to get together to celebrate these special milestones. There's no pressure to bring a gift to a gender reveal, unless it's simultaneously the baby shower. It's treats and conversation with people who are important in your life, about something that's important in their lives. How beautiful is that?
ReplyDeleteExactly. Especially because our world continues to mock women who choose to be mothers and belittle the value of family. Even people in these comments are saying they agree with things that are destructive to the family. It's so weird and sad.
DeleteI love the idea of a gender reveal party. I think its a chance to invite people in a broader circle who may feel uncomfortable coming to a baby shower ei men and work friends. I move around a lot and am 9 weeks pregnant. I am wanting to do a gender reveal party to include people without having them pressured into buying me gifts. My family is scattered around and I'll be visiting "back home" to have my baby shower. My sister will be hosting. She has already called dibs. :) Anyway, I like the idea of celebrating and this is a great way to make memories. I feel bad that people pooped on the idea because of old fashioned ideas or stigmas.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think about having only your husband find out the sex of the baby and not telling. Then sharing through invitations to friends and family so that when I walk into the shower I don't know until it's revealed to me? That's my plan :-)
ReplyDeletethat's a cute idea! or if a third person (your parent or sibling) finds out and surprises both you and your husband! cute! personally, i love gender reveals/baby showers (aren't they one in the same?), but i am hoping to keep it a secret from myself until my baby comes out and shows me! i mean, i was supposed to be a boy, according to the ultrasound tech, but i came out and surprise! i'm a girl haha. people who have problems with families and friends gathering to celebrate a new life, and who have problems with people finding out beforehand...really? you have nothing better to do than poop on everyone else's party? what is the world coming to?
DeleteI have heard of people having the ultrasound tech write the sex down on a piece of paper and sealing it in an envelope. Then the couple gives the envelope to the baker who makes the cake. Neither parent knows until they cut into the cake. :)
DeleteI love gender reveals! But I think this go round, im gonna wait to find out at the birth. I've always wanted that moment of pure excitement and joy in the hospital when my baby is laid up on my stomach, and everyone's saying "its a boy" or "its a girl". And my husband wants to run out and tell our families and see their reaction.
ReplyDeleteI definitely don't think a gender reveal is about attention. Just sharing a very important moment with the people you love. I never thought I would see so many judgments about something so happy!
Our first and second babies are both boys and we found out before birth. Our 3rd child REFUSED to cooperate at any of our U/S. I think we had 3 or 4 and never could get a good look to see the gender. We ended up having to wait until birth and it was a very exciting time! We had our 3rd son. We finally had a little girl almost 2 years ago, 4 1/2 years after her last big brother was born. :) Congratulations on your pregnancy!
DeleteLove these ideas!! So glad I stumbled on this site!
I love these ideas! We are currently planning our gender reveal which is coming in the next few weeks!
ReplyDeleteI don't know the situations for all the nay-sayers, but for us and our families this particular baby is a pretty big deal for a variety of reasons. We also had a big mess when first telling people we were pregnant because this person told that person and that person's feelings were hurt because they hadn't been told by us personally yet (our family can be a bit dramatic).
We're throwing this little party so that everyone can find out at the same time in the same way. No stress for me, and lots of fun for everyone. It's going to be a small inexpensive get together for us to enjoy each other and celebrate this sweet little life.
Celebrating joy is one of the best parts of life! Good luck with your party :)
DeleteSeeing all these cute gender reveals almost make me want to have another baby! lol We have 4 (3 boys, 1 girl) so I think we're pretty well done!
ReplyDeleteI'm kinda disapointed to see everyone not liking the mustaches. I actually loved the idea! I love all these actually. Can't wait to use these for my next baby.
ReplyDeleteI think a gender reveal party with your very closest friends and family is wonderful. It's so stressful to think about who to tell first. It's much easier to tell everyone at once! When I have a baby, I will be doing this. It's not an excuse for any more attention or presents. It's an opportunity to gather the people that are genuinely interested in your life and your baby's life together and letting them know at the same time. That way the mother-in-law isn't hurt because you told your mom first, etc. I'm guessing the nay sayers are probably bitter that someone else is happy and jealous that they're not getting the attention. I would gladly attend a gender reveal for any of my friends or family and would love sharing in that wonderful surprise with them! Thanks for the great ideas!
ReplyDeleteI'm planning to do a gender reveal at our family Christmas. It's our second child, so we're not doing a baby shower and I think it will make the announcement special. Plus we are not telling anyone we are finding out before the party. I never heard of this type of thing with my first child and think its very cute no matter how you do it!
ReplyDeleteAnd what happens if the doctors haven't seen well and the baby is not the revealed gender, but the other one ?:)) That's what stops me from a gender reveal photo.
ReplyDeleteI like best the one with the bow or the one with the name :)
I think that celebrations are a wonderful part of life (We just had a Halloween party for the FUN of it). Why in the world someone wouldn't want to celebrate a special occasion in the life of someone they care about is beyond me. There are a lot of hardships in life, and I don't see how sharing happiness with others can be a bad thing. When someone invites you to a party and your response is to complain and not want to attend, then you are too curmudgeonly to attend anyway, in my opinion. If you feel "pushed" by an invite when someone likes you and wants to celebrate with you, then that is just a really odd response to me. Someone said that if you celebrate every little thing in life, then nothing is special. Celebrating the birth of a baby (which is what a gender reveal party does) is pretty high up there in the special department to me. And you know what?? Just what in the heck is wrong with celebrating everything in life that you can?
ReplyDeleteI didn't find out the sex of my first child before the birth and probably won't with any other pregnancies. But, if I get a gender reveal invite I will be there with bells on enjoying life and celebrating the happiness of others. If you truly care about someone then you find joy in their joys.
And these gender reveal ideas are cute :)
Veggiegirl, totally agree with everything you said. Not getting all these bitter betty's.
ReplyDeleteI also intend to have a gender reveal party, but my husband and I will know. It will be a surprise for mainly my parents and close friends. They think it will be a New Years Eve celebration, but when they arrive, they will see it will also be our gender reveal. We don't want gifts and just think it is a fun way to share with our family and some close friends. I am beyond excited!
As far the people who say sending out a simple announcement is just as good...that's the same as telling someone what you're giving them for their birthday or Christmas as opposed to being there when they open it. You want to see their reaction! That's the fun! And that's coming from someone who doesn't plan to find out the gender of my children early, but I can still be happy for those that do! Gees, with the bitterness some of you have! If there's ever a time to just be joyous, isn't this it?
ReplyDeleteBecause my husband is stationed (Air Force) in Texas and our family is not here, we had to announce that we are expecting via skype and phone calls. We are going home to visit when I am 5.5 months pregnant for the baby shower and decided we would do a gender reveal at the baby shower. Not a separate party. We want to include all of our family and friends since we won't be home again until the baby is several months old. This is one way we can include those closest to us in our joy. I love these ideas and can't decided how we are going to reveal but I can't wait!
ReplyDeleteI love all of the ideas...(Even the mustaches surprisingly, but neck ties would be even cuter)! There's absolutely nothing wrong if parents want to find out the sex of their baby and reveal the gender to family and friends. If they choose to have a party to reveal it, then that's their choice. There are many other ways that one can be creative with a gender reveal besides having a party. I found out the sex of all three of my kids and just called family and friends to tell them. If we were to have another baby, I don't think I would find out the gender. At the end of the day, it's the parents choice. Every parent IS allowed to celebrate their baby in their own way, whether by a gender reveal party, other creative ways or by waiting til the birth. Either way will be special and people should respect that!
ReplyDeleteHowdy, you run such a lovely website, on this one! Will you be so kind and give an answer to my question. Is this a premium blog theme which you can buy online or a common one?
ReplyDeleteSo many bitter responses. I have had two babies, two showers and I don't plan on having a third, but this is my last baby. I want to celebrate it with every moment I day they'll all be grown up and out of the house. I may not have a party because I'm a mom of two, three doggies and a busy life as a photographer/friend/sister etc, but if I did what the heck is wrong with that? My friends would LOVE it. Imagine I was only having a baby to get the attention? Now that would be a crime, but to celebrate it??? GO FOR IT!:D
ReplyDeleteThank you TimeToGetWiser. I designed every aspect of the blog design and "Sweet Simplicity Design Studio" put it together for me. They do an amazing job and customize your site however you want
ReplyDeleteI had a late life surprise baby and all my others were much older. We did a gender reveal with family dinner one night. Was so much fun!! I had standard mixed cupcakes done and had the pink icing in the middle. Everyone just thought it was cool to have cupcakes for dessert. My only daughter found the center first and thought i did it just for her; but then my 20 yr old son found it in his too...then the chomp to the middle began with everyone else. Everyone was giggling and having the best time!! THAT what it's all about there having fun with family and friends, doesn't have to be expensive either. I had done away with all baby stuff years before so knowing I needed to buy for a girl was very helpful. Just have fun with it that is the joy in life.
ReplyDeleteThis is going to be our first grandchild, so I am SUPER excited about having a gender reveal party (a few months before the baby shower) where people are not expected to bring gifts, but rather to celebrate our excitement with us. ;) Now, I am planning a baby shower for closer to the birth when people can bring presents. Why would I want them to bring presents to a party if they don't know the gender or my daughter's color scheme plans??? I'll do a gender reveal for her for each subsequent pregnancy as well. I LOVE cake and get togethers!
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised that no one else has voiced this, but I'd like to point out that one major objection to making a huge deal out of gender reveals is making the GENDER of the baby into something that defines it. I'm not saying that these ideas aren't cute. But I am very against the idea of color-coding children. All little male children must wear blue. They must not wear GIRLY colors. All female children must wear pink. They must not wear BOYISH colors. Why are we programming kids like this? Why are they taught FROM BIRTH that they must fit into these specific little gender roles?
ReplyDeleteAnd let's not forget that GENDER is not the same thing as SEX. Sex=the genitalia your child is born with. Gender=the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex. An ultrasound cannot tell you the gender of your child; it may not even be determined until years after the baby is born.
If I choose not to reveal the sex of my baby, it will be because I don't want people coming to a shower, arms laden with gender-typed clothing and accessories, trying to enforce on my unborn child what gender it ought to be.
I came here to write (almost) exactly this. I grew up in the eighties and nineties and am horrified at realizing that my future children will be growing up in a more stereotyped society than the one in which I was raised. And thank you THANK YOU for bringing up the gender vs. sex question. Whenever I see that someone's throwing a "gender reveal" party, I don't think "Oh, how cute," I think "Somebody has no concept of science or psychology." If these sorts of overdone affairs are meant to impress, they're failing in that they have exactly the opposite effect on those educated enough to know the difference between sex and gender.
DeleteI'm not surprised that no one else has voiced this, though. Look at the site you're on....
As a mother of a girl, I have always been very conscious of the gender v. sex issue, and have tried to keep from genderizing her. And yet, she has chosen all the typical "girly" things as her favorites (currently it's princesses and pink; before it was trains and orange). She also adores being outside, getting dirty, looking at bugs. In our society, it is really difficult to break stereotypes, and some things are so ingrained it's hard to determine if the stereotype arose from children naturally gravitating to those things or if we as adults forced them into those roles (whether consciously or not). The only reason I'm going to have a "gender" reveal party as opposed to a "sex" reveal party is because most people get a more than a little uncomfortable at the mention of sex associated directly with a baby. It is fun to celebrate having a baby, whether boy or girl, gay or straight, or anything in between. Having one pink/blue themed party will not stifle your child, and will not prevent them from becoming the person they were meant to become. If you as their parent pressure them day in day out, saying things like "ladies don't do x", or "boys don't cry" and don't allow them to be themselves from birth, then that will do a heck of a lot more damage then celebrating and planning for the sex of the baby.
Deletegood grief. seriously, get a life, and stop trolling sites like this if it causes you so much concern. crafty lady is correct on all accounts. I am actually a little sad for all of the negative individuals posting on this site... how little joy they must get from life and how much of life probably passes them by while they are preoccupied with judging others.
DeleteThat's a wonderful idea!
DeleteActually, your definition of the word "gender" is not the correct definition at all; it is one that society has developed to pacify those who may be gender queer or those parents who choose to raise their child without tying them to a specific sex/gender. What you described is "gender roles," which is not the same is gender. However, if that is what you would like to think and if that is what you want to teach to your children, okay. If you're against "color coding" children, just have a black and white gender reveal party or use neutral colors. Hell, flip the colors around if it bugs you that much (blue for the girls, pink for the boys) or have two different shades of blue and pink. Better yet, if the idea of a gender reveal party turns you off all together, just don't have one and respectfully decline the invitations from those who may invite you to one in the future.
DeleteWhat I think is sad is that you came to a blog dedicated to gender specific parties to state why you're against them... Trust me, the child isn't going to be hurt of affected in any sort of way if you plan for their sex/gender before while they're still hanging out in the uterus. As far as the people who choose to dress their little girls up in dresses and encourage their boys to rough house and get dirty? Well, if that is how they want to raise THEIR child, let them be. I find it funny that people get so offended about "forcing children into stereotypical gender roles," yet no one ever seems to care about the mothers who coddle their boys and raise them as though they are little girls (putting them in dresses, referring to them by female names, claiming that their young son who is still learning about his genitals is gay because he mixes up the term for the female and male genitalia, etc...). But yes, let's get on the parents who raise their sons to be the strong, brave, fearless providers that most women turn to when looking for a male partner and the parents who raise their daughters to be the loving, nurturing, and compassionate/empathetic providers that most men turn to when looking for a female partner and most children find comfort in...
I mean, I respect what you said (because it is your opinion and you are entitled to that just like what I have written above is my opinion that I am entitled to), but honestly... it makes no sense to leave such a comment on a blog like this.
Truth be told, most of the comments on this post make absolutely no sense. If a gender party isn't your thing, just don't have or participate in one!
A lot of these are great for a "facebook" reveal, or even as baby shower invites. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThat's how I plan to do mine! Nobody but family knows about the baby at all, so we're planning a photo shoot as the official announcement and a really cute keep sake!
DeleteWe found out what we were having the week before Christmas of 2011, so we decided to make ours a Christmas gift!! We used the ultrasound picture and put it in a frame that said "its a girl" and wrapper it! Grandparents got to open the "gift" in front of everyone.
ReplyDeleteIt was so much fun! We already knew so we got to see everyone else's anticipation grow and they excitement when they all found out! Plus we had four different Christmas parties to go to ad got do to this four times!! Everybody loved it and they got the best Christmas gift ever!
These are so cute, I can't wait to find out what I am having!
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know where to find a large, personalized balloon like the one above? I LOVE that idea!
ReplyDeleteI'm gone to inform my little brother, that he should also pay a visit this blog on regular basis to take updated from most up-to-date news update.
ReplyDeletemy web page > stickers
My name is Lakynn, but spelled Laikyn :)
ReplyDeleteMy cousin did a gender reveal at her son's birthday party. She let him unwrap the present that had a pink balloon inside. I think it would be a bit tacky to have a party for a gender reveal, then invite the same people to a baby shower also, but to each their own. Although it appears most people reserve a gender reveal for close family and friends, have it in place of a baby shower, or simply make an announcement.
ReplyDeleteAngie: it took me and my husband eight years and alot of fertility to get pregnant, i do believe this will be my only child. so yes we will celebrate every single moment of it, for us its a blessing and a once in a life time moment. I think the ideas on here are beyond cute, and it would mean alot to my family to all find out at once.
ReplyDeleteAngie: p.s we didnt do a party we did a lunch at a restrunt with close family members.
ReplyDeleteCute ideas! I like having our surprises early and especially this time as we are starting over from scratch on baby things, this baby is already a BIG surprise. I get everything second-hand or from thrift shops and I need time to collect items. I will likely do a gender reveal party for my children in our home, announce it in some cute way to my mother who is not near enough to do it in person, and then I am looking for a good photo idea for a facebook and traditional mail announcement for family and friends.
ReplyDeleteI had a friend who allowed me the privilege of attending her gender reveal ultrasound and allowing the tech to tell me and not her. I got to plan a special gender reveal dinner for her and her close friends. She had three boys already and this was her first girl:) I decorated with blue and when she arrived I gave her a gift bag that said "It's a Boy" but when she finally opened it she found some really cute baby girl things inside. Her reaction was priceless and I caught it on camera too!
Some people are sp uptight. Enjoy every moment of your pregnancy, celebrate any way you wish
ReplyDeleteI think all these ideas are really cute! I did a gender reveal with my second--we had the ultrasound tech seal the results in an envelope, then we had our close family over for a simple pizza party. I had some pink and blue cookies made, then just opened the envelope in front of everyone. It was low-key, but a lot of fun. If I had known about some of these ideas, I would have done them, though. I think the Debbie Downers posting negative comments or turning this into a gender vs. sex issue are the same people who find something to complain about in ANY situation. If it's not for you, don't do it, but don't begrudge someone else for wanting to celebrate every exciting moment possible. Life's too short, have a party (and maybe a drink or two to help you lighten up!)!
ReplyDeleteHere's the true source link for the belly/boy shot:
ReplyDeleteWhat if instead you reveal the color purple and say, "It's a baby!!!" ;) I wouldn't want to reveal until I'm holding it in my arms and not in my uterus.
ReplyDeleteWe are expecting our first baby in December and plan to do a gender reveal party instead of a baby shower. We just want a chance to celebrate our little one with all of our close family and friends before the baby actually gets here, since we will be very preoccupied with the baby at that point and wont want everyone visiting all at once! Also, I feel like having a celebration like this is just as much of a surprise as waiting, and people say you feel even more of a bond with baby when you find out the gender because you can start to picture what your baby will be like.
ReplyDeleteI love all of the ideas on here, and we are thinking of doing a water balloon fight reveal, since it will be in August!
We are expecting our first baby in December and plan to do a gender reveal party instead of a baby shower. We just want a chance to celebrate our little one with all of our close family and friends before the baby actually gets here, since at that point we will be a bit preoccupied with baby and wont want to have everyone visiting all at once! We love our family and want them to be involved, I don't think there is anything wrong with that or attention seeking about it. And it will be a wonderful surprise to us all and we can all celebrate together! Also, I've heard that once you find out the gender that you feel an even stronger bond with baby since you can start to really imagine what baby will be like.
ReplyDeleteI love all of the ideas on here, and we are planning to do a water balloon fight reveal -it will be August!
Here's a thought, most people don'e give a shit and don't want to come to your gay gender reveal party anyway. They want to hang out in sweatpants on they're hard earned Sunday and watch the price is right.
DeleteWow...just, wow! Such negativity about something so precious. I'm a little curious as to what the "gender-neutral" group says after the baby comes and they are asked what they had. Are they allowed to say "it's a girl" (or boy) or will they just say "We will have to wait and see what the baby chooses to be in life." Poppycock is what I say. Parents-to-be...celebrate every moment of your child's life in whatever way you want and don't worry about what others think. Reveal the gender or save the surprise for after the birth...include only close friends or invite the world...a baby IS an event, and a very special one.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to throwing a gender reveal party for my daughter! I think it's a wonderful time to have family and friends all together at once to celebrate such an awesome time in their lives! It won't be a shower~NO gifts! Just a time to enjoy each other company and have a great time sharing in the surprise!
ReplyDeleteAlso, just because you know ahead of time what you are having~ doesn't mean you arent surprised on delivery day!
Yeah, I don't understand the negativity. My husband and I are throwing a little gender reveal brunch mainly as an excuse to have people over and have a good meal. So far the reaction by most family members has been excitement and a bit of competitiveness (they are sure they are right about the gender, or want to be the first to know). We definitely have some people who live out of town and can't be there, and they are sad about it - but we will just Google Hangout them in. We are not making a huge deal out of it, have asked for people not to bring gifts, and we might do a thing or two that are cutesy just for the fun of it!
ReplyDeleteCute! However said the thing about liking mustaches and got crazy, ........... NO COMMENT. lol
ReplyDeleteI agree with a lot of comments - Some people who are on their second, third, fourth, etc. don't need to have a traditional shower and a gender reveal party is a great way to still get everyone you love together to celebrate your new baby.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter is expecting her first child, my first grandbaby. We are doing a gender reveal party. It is very exciting & such a blessing. It is not a baby shower for her, no one is bringing gifts. We are revealing the gender and treating our guest to a little fun & snacks. Babies are blessings to be celebrated.