- loves the Jazz
- loves pixie sticks
- never gets sick
- incredible gingerbread maker
- paintballs
- wants to go to Europe
- wants to invent an idea
- loves big watches
- his car got towed the first night we met
- works out
- always chews 1/2 piece of gum
- Went to Chili on his mission
- Doesn't like tomatoes
- Surprised me with our honeymoon to Cancun
- uses sticky notes for daily reminders
- wants a Chinchilla
- loves skittles
- fear of spiders
- wants to go to Australia
- loves BYU and Cosmo
- on my birthdays I used to wish for 100 Dalmations when blowing out my candles
- crafty
- has a list of 100 things to do in life
- Will not eat mustard
- Wanted to go to BYU since 8
- Been in musicals and plays growing up
- Won medal for 4x200 relay in Track