Sunday, April 10, 2011

A successful baby boy shower

We helped throw a baby shower for Chris' cousin. Here is the food table where we had all kinds of blue treats. Another table in the kitchen we had salads and chicken salad sandwiches.Here is another angle where you can see the treats and decor all of us sister-in-laws helped arrange. I didn't help with everything, but all of us had a huge part in throwing this shower!
Here is from the front. The blue balls up top looked so good over the table. These are made from tissue paper that you put into an accordion and staple in the middle and peal all of the pieces out into a ball. We hung it up with fishing wire.
Cute cupcakes! The little pacifiers are made from two white lifesavers and a blue jelly bean. We made marshmallow pops and we stuck a stick into the mallow, then would dip it in chocolate and this other stuff. They were yummy. Here is another picture of the marshmallow pops
Here is a close up of the lolipops that were burp clothes wrapped up.

This sign was made by the Cricut and it was connected and hung up with cute ribbon and balloons.
These are so cute. Little cookie cutters and then Lynsi used white icing to go around the edges.
Diaper cake with a cute baby sign cut by a cricut. Next to it you can see a jar for advice from guest and some of the mallow pops. We also had burp clothes wrapped up to look like lolipops. So cute!


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